On premise Service in Seattle



Integrity is a highly valued characteristic in our group.

  • 7/24/365, business is always on, and so are we
  • Very high net promoter score, 12 years in business, and going strong
  • We are in it for the long haul. When we get a new client we hang on to them.

We will be there when you need us, no matter what time of day.



Server down.  We’re on site.  Desktop crashed.  We’ll be there.

  • Seattle, Bainbridge, or Kitsap County
  • 15 years is the average length of our engineers experience
  • A wide skill spectrum ensures quick resolution

When remote support doesn’t cut it, our experts show up at your door.



What does the fire chief think about THIS setup?

  • We keep closets clean, rack mounts busy, and wires distinguishable from Italian food
  • Using software automation, we track your assets
  • We make sure your assets are working hard for you.

The sun is shining, the server room is clean, entropy has been defeated.



Part of the crew, part of the ship.

  • Monthly strategic meetings to bring clarity to your roadmap
  • Normalization, reporting and on-going improvement quality process
  • Reduce cost, improve productivity, automate processes, gather intelligence, develop competitive advantage: We get it

We're results oriented and impact'driven. We'll help you attain your business objectives and aim for higher ones.