Dear Customer,
In the wake of increasing concerns and cancellations due to COVID-19 related containment, we want you to know that we’re here for you.
Your on site and cloud technology will continue to be functional and monitored by us dependent only on available power and Internet service.
Your remote employees will continue to have the ability to access on site systems from anywhere in the world depending only on power and internet at their location and on site system or cloud availability. LogMeIn and VPN access for remote work is available depending on your current environment.
Amoeba staff in NYC, Seattle, and NOC will remain available by phone and email dependent on power and internet access at their locations. On site availability may be limited as we adhere to local government travel recommendations.
If you have staff who need to work remotely but are not set up to do so, please get in touch with us and we’ll discuss available and potential options.
Amoeba Networks, Inc. (212) 444-9780
"Thank you for reading!"